A Brief History of Economics


Economics is a crucial field that examines how societies determine the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It delves into the allocation, prioritization, and valuation of resources, significantly influencing people’s everyday lives globally.

The Pursuit of Happiness within Constraints

Economics is fundamentally about the pursuit of happiness within a realm of constraints. Despite our limitations—be it time, money, or technology—we humans possess a remarkable capacity for innovation and creativity. This drive compels us to optimize what we have, ensuring that we achieve the highest possible level of satisfaction, even if we cannot have everything we desire. Understanding the choices we make, given our finite resources, is at the heart of economics.

Decision-making and Human Behavior

Decision-making is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, influencing both individual actions and the dynamics of larger groups. To truly comprehend human behavior, one must delve into economics, the discipline that scrutinizes the process of decision-making. Unfortunately, economics is often perceived as either an impenetrable maze of jargon or an overly complex field. This misconception obscures the true value of economics; complexity does not inherently signify importance.

Economic History

Harsh Realities of the Past

Exploring economic history is essential to understanding how humanity has arrived at its current state, shedding light on the economic conditions of today and the potential institutional and regulatory reforms that could lead to significant advancements. In striving to simplify this discussion, it’s important to reflect on the harsh realities of the past.

During much of human history, life was characterized by hardship and scarcity. People struggled to make meaningful use of limited resources, resulting in low living standards and short, arduous lives. Consider these historical truths that persisted until just a few centuries ago:

  • The average life expectancy at birth was a mere 25 years.
  • Over thirty percent of children didn’t survive to their fifth birthday.
  • Childbirth posed a significant risk, with a one in ten chance of maternal mortality.
  • Most people endured severe diseases and/or famines.
  • Living conditions were dire, with the vast majority existing at or near subsistence levels, save for the privileged few.

Advances in Living Standards

However, the last 250 years have marked a dramatic departure from this grim reality. Humanity witnessed the advent of electricity, engines, sophisticated machinery, computers, radio, television, biotechnology, scientific agriculture, antibiotics, airplanes, and numerous other innovations. These advancements have allowed humans to achieve far more with the finite resources of air, water, soil, and sea available on Earth, leading to unprecedented improvements in living standards. Today, many enjoy better housing, clothing, and food than was ever thought possible, with global life expectancy now surpassing 70 years.

Factors Driving Economic Growth

The driving force behind these improvements in living standards is the development of new technologies and the continuous innovation that accompanies them. A deeper investigation prompts the question of why such an advanced society didn’t emerge sooner. Ancient Greeks, for instance, had invented the coin-operated vending machine, basic steam engine, and even the concept of a programmable computer, yet they never kickstarted an industrial revolution or sustained economic growth.

Throughout history, every civilization has had its share of brilliant minds, but the Industrial Revolution, which initiated the significant and ongoing increase in living standards, didn’t begin until the late 18th century in England.

Key Factors in Economic Growth

What, then, were the key factors that catalyzed the rapid acceleration of economic growth during this period? The emergence of certain institutions played a pivotal role:

  • Democracy: The empowerment of the common people led to governments that represented the interests of broader society for the first time, as the masses outnumbered the nobility. This shift resulted in policies that favored manufacturers and traders over the aristocracy.
  • The limited liability company: This innovation offered investors protection by limiting their potential losses to their initial investment, thereby reducing investment risks and encouraging greater investment.
  • Patent rights for inventors: Before the establishment of patents, many inventors saw their ideas appropriated without compensation. Patents incentivized innovation by granting inventors exclusive rights to commercialize their inventions, leading to the emergence of full-time inventors who could earn a living from their creations.
  • Widespread literacy and education: Innovation does not occur without knowledgeable inventors, nor can new technologies be mass-produced without an educated workforce. The decision by numerous countries to mandate primary and eventually secondary education laid the groundwork for rapid and sustained economic growth.

Economic Theories

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith’s seminal text, “The Wealth of Nations,” published in 1776, continues to be a cornerstone in the study of modern economics. Smith’s exploration of the value paradox, which juxtaposes the high value of luxury items like diamonds against the low cost of essential goods such as water, remains an insightful illustration of the complexities inherent in economic valuation. The differentiation between “value in use” and “value in exchange” captivates economists, underscoring the depth and applicability of economic theories to a range of real-world scenarios.

Over two centuries later, the business world still grapples with similar puzzles in valuation, particularly when it comes to highly specialized firms. It is intriguing to note how a company producing widely utilized products may have a relatively modest market valuation, whereas a firm catering to a niche segment can command staggering valuations. This variance prompts a reevaluation of the core principles underlying economic value.

The affordability of water is attributed to its abundance, in stark contrast to the scarcity of diamonds, which drives up their price. Despite water’s fundamental necessity for life, its plentiful availability keeps its cost low. Smith may not have had the modern framework of supply and demand to draw upon, but he keenly recognized the important distinction between an item’s utility and its market price. Essentially, the pricing of a product is not directly correlated to its utility. In reality, a product’s highest potential price is more often dictated by its marginal utility—the added satisfaction derived from the consumption of an additional unit.

Through Smith’s lens, the paradox unfolds: diamonds, scarce and non-essential, hold a high marginal utility and thus, a higher valuation, while water, despite being ubiquitous and vital, is priced low due to its extensive availability. This analysis sheds light on the intricate relationship between scarcity, utility, and value within economic theory, offering a nuanced understanding of how these factors interplay to determine worth in the economic landscape.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

Entrepreneurship is widely recognized as a catalyst for economic growth today, a perspective that has evolved significantly over time. Adam Smith, often hailed as the father of modern economics, was among the first to define a “capitalist” as an owner-manager who synergizes land, labor, and capital to establish a successful enterprise and generate profits. Smith’s theories sparked intense debates over the subsequent century, leading to a rich discourse as economists built upon or challenged his ideas.

Economic Equilibrium

The late 19th century saw the development of neoclassical economic models by economists like Leon Walras and Alfred Marshall, who drew inspiration from the mathematical principles of Sir Isaac Newton. These models shifted focus away from the entrepreneur, emphasizing instead the concept of a perfectly competitive market. In such a market, a multitude of buyers and sellers interact to ensure that supply meets demand, achieving what is considered the economic ideal: equilibrium.

Economic equilibrium is characterized by a balance where the quantity of goods produced precisely matches consumer demand. Today, this level of market perfection is primarily observed in commodity markets, where transactions occur in real-time on trading floors.

For such ideal markets to function, several conditions must be met: complete transparency regarding all transactions, no single buyer or seller’s ability to sway market prices, and a uniformity among products and services so that price becomes the sole differentiator.

This model, emblematic of commodity markets, is celebrated for its predictability and equitable distribution of income. It aligns with the neoclassical view, which dovetails with large corporations and the concept of economies of scale, suggesting that as a company grows, its production becomes more cost-efficient due to bulk purchasing and optimized resource utilization. However, this theory has been critiqued for overlooking the dynamic forces of entrepreneurship, market innovation, and entry, which introduce new demand and can disrupt market equilibrium.

The Role of Entrepreneurship

By the late 19th century, classical economists, particularly from the Austrian School, sought to address the neoclassical oversight of entrepreneurship. Joseph Schumpeter, often regarded as a pivotal figure in the study of entrepreneurship, argued against the notion of market equilibrium, positing instead that markets are inherently dynamic and subject to constant change. He introduced the concept of “creative destruction,” where entrepreneurial innovation dismantles existing market structures to forge new opportunities and wealth.

The Importance of Small Businesses

A significant milestone in economic thought was reached in 1979 when economist David Birch unveiled his study on American businesses from 1969 to 1976. Birch’s findings were revelatory, showing that small businesses (with 100 or fewer employees) accounted for 81% of all new job creation in the United States.

This insight challenged the prevailing belief that large corporations were the primary engines of economic growth. Birch’s findings, initially met with skepticism, were later validated by further research, highlighting the indispensable role of small businesses and entrepreneurship in driving economic development. This underscores the importance of understanding entrepreneurial dynamics in contemporary economic theory.


Looking to the future, the challenge lies in maximizing the utility of the world’s limited resources to further elevate living standards. Higher living standards not only alleviate problems like child labor, disease, illiteracy, unemployment, and infant mortality but also provide greater resources for addressing these issues. It is crucial to recognize that many poverty-related challenges can be mitigated by introducing the institutions that have proven effective in developed nations into developing countries. Furthermore, developing nations can learn from the mistakes of wealthier countries, particularly those related to promoting economic growth without causing widespread resource depletion, pollution, or the extinction of species.


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